Just a short one to catch up on things. Deadworld and Renfield have been optioned by Framelight Productions and as soon as any concrete information comes across, I’ll be sure to post it. I refuse to get too excited as I’ve been down this path over a dozen times with various properties being optioned for film, but I have a good feeling for these guys. I get asked if I am writing the scripts but usually the scriptwriter is a part of the system so unlikely although I did do a Renfield script that is included in the proposals circulating. The action figure on King Zombie is apparently finished. Here’s a link to the entire line that it is being shipped out with. No idea of street dates or anything. The Deadworld: Slaughterhouse series had the first issue released and the second one should be coming out about 4-5 weeks after the first one so the monthly schedule will be close. A lot of times, there can be a week or two delay because of the printers and their schedules and it isn’t always when the publisher sends it in. This can happen to just about any publisher except the big two because they have enough product (some say too much) that they don’t have to rely on waiting for gang printing and the like. The Chronicles anthology should be arriving any time now as it has been at the printers for awhile. I have an original graphic novel coming out from Desperado in January called A MURDER OF SCARECROWS. Here’s a link to an advance look at it. Sorry for the quick “product placement” blog and will try to update next week.
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